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Top 10 Things to Do in Pokhara | Places to Visit in Pokhara

Away from the religious and dusty capital city, Kathmandu to reach the geographic heart of mountainous country Nepal, you will be completely refreshed by the gentle breeze from the emerald Fewa Lake in Pokhara. It is tranquil, peaceful, surrounded by the densely forested land. With your loved ones, holding wines, and hand in hand, you can boat on the sparkling ripples with delightful giggles. This is a dreamy life for visitors looking for peace. Or, dare you challenge your life and learn to fly and glide upon the wind? Go to Sarangkot to witness the Himalayan sunrise. Pokhara is a city for lovers, dreamers, gliders, mediators, adventurers, and travelers.

Interested to take a peek to know what Pokhara has to offer? Here’s a list of Top 10 Things to Do on your first visit, and get to learn how to plan a Pokhara Tour!

Pokhara Attractions Map

Pokhara Attractions Map (click to zoom up)

  • Boating on the Ripping Lakes of Pokhara

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Sparkling Fewa Lake

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Peaceful Fewa Lake During the Sunset

    In Nepal, the word Pokhari means, pond, and the word Pokhara is a number of lakes (ponds). Among these lovely lakes, Phewa Tal, or Fewa Lake is the most famous one in Pokhara.

    It is a lovely lake where you can rent a brightly painted boat and row into the picturesque Phewa’s center by yourself with your loved ones. It fully defines the word “romantic”. With the reflection of the Annapurna mountains mirroring on the surface of the calm water and gentle fresh Himalayan breeze blowing the colorful paragliders over your head, the breathtaking scenery of the rippling Tal and the magnificent snow-capped mountains offer you an enjoyable, tranquil stay and purification of your soul and mind. On the lakeside, numerous fancy hotels and shops stand by offering a comfortable stay for the tourists.

    About 20km to the east of Fewa lake lies the Begnas lake, it is peaceful and quiet with fewer visitors. You can also go boating here, away from the busy Pokhara, and relaxing in the heavenly view.

    Location: Fewa Lake, Begnas Lake
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed:half day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 9 Days Nepal Ghorepani - Poon Hill Trekking Tour

  • Paragliding over the Forested Land and Snow-capped Peaks

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Paragliding upon the Clouds

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Professional Paraglider Over the Fewa Lake

    Soaring up to 3000m in the blue sky with the snow-capped Himalayan peaks is a once on a lifetime experience, and Pokhara offers standard paragliding flights taking off from the highland of Sarangkot, and gliding over the Pokhara city and finally descending on the lakeside of Fewa Lake. If you are going to try it for the first time, you will be accompanied by a professional and experienced pilot to help you take off and even take a selfie with the blue lake and forested land. One standard flight takes about 30min and about USD 75. Upon the wind, flying like an eagle, you will not regret to take courage to do it. There are usually 3 flights a day and here are some recommended trustworthy by Lonely Planet: Blue Sky Paragliding, Sunrise Paragliding, and Frontiers Paragliding.

    Location: Sarangkot to Fewa Lakeside
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed:half day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 5 Days Kathmandu to Pokhara Leisure Tour by Flight

  • Stepping into the Historic Buildings of Ancient Temples and Stupa

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    World Peace Pagoda Among the Wildflowers

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Barahi Temple in the Lake Center

    Besides the beautiful natural scenery, Pokhara is a site with many wonderful historic wonders such as the World Peace Pagoda, aka Peace Temple, Bindhya-Basini Temple, and Barahi temple, all of which are located in or around the Fewa Lake. 

    The World Peace Pagoda, Peace Temple, or Pokhara Shanti Stupa is a giant white Buddist pagoda-style monument on Anadu hilltop, on the west Fewa lakeside, requiring 20min’s driving form the east lakeside and 20min’s uphill hiking. It was built after world war II by the Buddist monks to pray for the peace of the world.

    About 5km away from Fewa Lakeside and also on the hilltop is one of the oldest temples in Pokhara valley, Bindhya Basini Temple. It is worshipped by both Hindu and Buddhist believers and popular among tourists for the nice photography site. You can appreciate the exquisite architecture as well as the beautiful skyline of Pokhara city and snow mountains of Annapurna.

    Between the two temples, there is one unique temple standing on the lake center, the Barahi Temple, the beautiful small temple is in a stupa style and was built for Durga Devi and you can only reach it by boat. If offers a nice spot for the rowers to relax a little bit.

    Location: World Peace Pagoda, Bindhya Basini Temple, Barahi Temple
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed:half day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 6 Days Kathmandu to Pokhara Highlights Tour by Private Car

  • Witnessing the Himalayan Sunrise in Pokhara

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Sunrise and Cloud Sea from World Peace Pagoda

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Sun Light Falling on Annapurna Peaks

    Located in the south of Pokhara, the breathtaking sunrise of Sarangkot is undoubtedly the most stunning viewing site of the Annapurna range of the Himalayan mountain. You can overlook the Pokhara from this highland and enjoy the panoramic view of the waving snow-capped peaks, such as the Dhaulagiri (8167m), the triangle peak of Machhapuchhare. As the sunlight falls upon them, the white peaks blush and turn pink, light purple, and orange. It is the finest viewing site awakening your brand new day in Pokhara.

    Besides Sarangkot, as you hike up to highlands of poon hill, and the World Peace Pagoda, which is close to the Fewa Lake. The sunrise there will awaken your rosy dream with unobstructed scenery being captured by the best Annapurna peaks.

    Location: Sarangkot, Poon Hill, World Peace Pagoda
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed: 2 hours
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 8 Days Kathmandu Pokhara Chitwan Highlights Tour

  • Hiking up to the Spectacular Mountains

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Helicopter Landed on Annapurna Base Camp

    3000m, Poon Hill is a popular trekking site of Pokhara. It is recommended to get up early to catch the sunrise! You can start your trek Birethanti and hike up to Annapurna Base Camp, which is one of the best trekking routes in Nepal. Here you can enjoy one of the best unobstructed mesmeric views of the whole trek. The entry is about 100 NPR. Do not forget to bring some extra layers for the mountain area is very chilly and of course, the camera to capture the amazing views of Mount Machapuchare, Annapurna Range, and Fishtail, etc. If you are visiting in winter do not forget to take chains/spikes for your shoe. If you would like to hike for over 4 days, TIMS & ACAP permits from Pokhra are required.

    Location: Poon Hill, Annapurna Base Camp
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed: more than one day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 9 Days Nepal Ghorepani - Poon Hill Trekking Tour

  • Exploring the Mysterious Waterfall and Cave

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Devi's Fall in Autumn

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Colorful Staircases down to Gupteswar Gupha

    The spectacular terrain of Himalayas cultivates many natural wonders of waterfalls, caves, gorges. The famous ones include Devi’s Fall, Gupteswar Gupha, Bat Cave, and Seti River Gorge. 

    Devi’s Fall, also known as Patale chhago is just 2km away from the airport. It was named for a Swiss visitor David who tumbled and fell into the sinkhole with his girlfriend. The waterfall is sparkling white and the water is gushing into the nearby gupteshwar caves. It is a sacred beautiful cave that has a shiva statue with a crystal clear pond inside. Traveling inside Pokhara, I would highly recommend you visit the Seti River gorge. This river flows directly from the Himalayas. It is also called a wild Himalayan river. Gorge is approximately around 60-80m deep.

    In Pokhara, there is a challenging site where is like the dwelling place for the vampire, and only the brave adventurers are recommended to go! That is the bat cave. 30 minutes’ driving distance from the main city of Pokhara, you can find the cave, walking in the darkness and full of mysteries with numerous thrilling bats covering the roof.

    Location: Devi's Fall, Gupteswar Gupha, Bat Cave, Seti River Gorge
    Best time: March to May and September to December
    Time needed: half day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 10 Days Nepal Natural and Cultural Savory Tour

  • Appreciating Nepali Historic Treasure in Different Museum of Pokhara

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    International Mountain Museum

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Gurkha Memorial Museum

    As a city of mountains, Pokhara is the only place in the world that you can visit the International Mountain Museum. The museum usually opens from 8 am to 6 pm, displaying the mountains of Nepal and also the equipment for mountaineers since the early days. It is an excellent place to learn about Nepal culture and the geography of the region.

    If you are more interested in the region of Pokhara, you can go to Naya bazaar, 3km away from the lakeside, and visit the second largest museum in Pokhara, Pokhara Regional Museum, it is devoted to talking about the culture, history, development, different communities of Pokhara valley.

    Besides the two museums, there is a small 3-stored museum, Gurkha Memorial Museum, located in the north of Mahendra Pul. The main theme is the military efforts in Nepal. It has lots of crafts about the brave Gurkha soldiers and individual stories of heroism.

    Location: International Mountain Museum, Gurkha Memorial Museum, Pokhara Regional Museum
    Best time: all year round
    Time needed: half day
    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 13 Days Nepal Discovery Tour

  • Celebrating the Traditional Nepali Festivals in Pokhara

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Pokhara Festival Celebrations

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Fruit Stand on the Street

    If you come to visit Pokhara at certain times, there are some annual country-wide traditional festivals you can celebrate with the locals, such as the Pokhara Street Festival, Phewa Festival, Bagh Jatra, and Losar. 

    The Pokhara Street Festival, also known as Pokhara Food Festival, is often held from 28th December to 1st January and lasts for 3 days. Visitors can stroll along the street, enjoying the yummy local cuisines, watching the parades, performances, and carnival rides. Phewa Festival is a national holiday to celebrate the Nepali New Year, and that day usually falls in April. In August, the Bagh Jatra lasts 3 days to recall the slaying of the marauding tiger, and Losar in January or February is the Tibetan New year with wonderful masked dance performances.

    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 5 Days Kathmandu to Pokhara Leisure Tour by Flight

  • Meditating the Meaning of Life on Nepali Yoga Course

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Outdoor Yoga Facing the Himalayas

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Professional Yoga Master

    Away from city light and cars, Pokhara is a place you can slow down your life pace and ponder the meaning of life. Yoga and meditation are nation-wide popular activities in Nepal, and you might find many yoga retreat centers and even your hotel will provide a traditional Nepali yoga course. And you can do it by yourself with one on one instruction or corporate with your loved ones. And the practicing site can be indoor, and outside facing the picturesque Fewa lake and Annapurna region with the guide of the local instructors and in traditional Nepalese costume.

    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 6 Days Kathmandu to Pokhara Highlights Tour by Private Car

  • Enjoying the Local Cuisine of Pokhara

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Nepali Thali Set

    Pokhara Things to Do 2024

    Nepali Newari Food

    In Pokhara, there are numerous restaurants gathering around the Fewa Lakeside. In this internationalized region, you can food Chinese food, Indian cuisine, Germany bar, France fine dining, and American fast food, and let alone the traditional Nepal restaurants. The recommended dishes are Fried trout fish, which is very fresh and tender, and the typical desserts to cool you down in hot summer are “yogurt in love”, which is a kind creamy frozen yogurt seasoning with dried fruits, nuts, and chocolate chips. Also, do not miss trying the Nepali Thali set, usually including roasted soya bean, fried potato, suruwa soup, gravy chicken, seasonal fresh herbs, etc. In some restaurants, the homemade pasta and pizzas are very tasty too! Here, we have listed some recommended restaurants for craving food hunters: Roadhouse Cafe, Pokhara Halal Food Land, Rosemary Kitchen, Chiya Stop, Frituur No.1...

    Recommended Pokhara Tour: ☞ 9 Days Nepal Ghorepani - Poon Hill Trekking Tour

  • Most Recommended Pokhara Tour Packages

    Following are 3 most recommended Pokhara tour packages that you may be interested in. All tour packages are customizable to meet your personal requirements. You can also contact us to customize a trip if you want.